The extent to which the Murdochs, including Dr. Murdoch (though less than the others) misunderstands Christianity is astounding. Christian holidays do not come from pagan holidays, and we do know that Jesus was born on December 25. All it takes is a little studying to figure it out.
The Old Testament isn't the Jewish Bible, that's a lie that Protestants believe. There is a harasy called Macronianism which believes the Old Testament and New Testament are worshipping separate Gods. The truth is Jews today that don't accept Christ reject God and the only people living today that are represented in the Old Testament are Christians - the Old Testament is all about leading up to Christ. Before Christ the Old Testament was for Isrealites (and all peoples) but today the Old Testament is truly only for Christians, rather than (((those that rejected God))).
I've been watching a lot of Cartoonist kayfabe on YT lately and I had no idea what the word meant. So thanks for that. I know, YT sucks, and I hate who runs it, but I like those guys vids. I also really like this txt font, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Hopefully you'll never know, because I don't want them to be doxxed.
F this cyclic interest/outcome: the human suffering on each of us isn't worth it.
With love,
white boy